Runners who incorporate yoga into their workout routine can prevent injury, increase flexibility and develop more focus. A two-hour Yoga Clinic for Runners at Evolation in November is the perfect opportunity for those who have never tried yoga to learn about the positive benefits of yoga for runners.
Runners tend to use the same muscles over and over, which can lead to injury. Yoga can provide balance to a running workout and increase range of motion, which can lead to more efficient running. For example, most runners have experienced tightening in their hips after a run, and a low lunge pose can help stretch the hips. A weak upper body and core can make a runner more injury prone, and a consistent yoga practice increases strength in both of these areas.
Those who practice yoga regularly often find they become more aware of their body and can focus easier. Any runner who has hit the wall in a race they have spent months training for knows that being able to keep the mind focused is an important aspect of endurance. Yoga’s emphasis on breath awareness and holding poses helps runners become more in tune with their bodies and more likely to make it to the finish line.
There’s a saying in yoga, “If nothing changes, nothing changes.” Runners who find themselves frustrated with a lack of progress in spite of their devotion to a consistent running workout, or who want to develop more awareness, may find that yoga is just the change they need to make them a stronger, more focused and relaxed athlete.