What’s My Teacher Talking About? Yoga Lingo and Etiquette

What’s My Teacher Talking About? Yoga Lingo and Etiquette

What’s My Teacher Talking About? Yoga Lingo and Etiquette 1024 684 Evolation Yoga Atlanta

Are you considering practicing yoga? Perhaps you’ve taken your first class and are confused by some of the terms your instructor used. This list breaks down yoga ling and etiquette so that you are prepared for your next session.

Yoga Lingo

Understanding the common terminology used in yoga will help you to better move through your classes. These are some of the key terms that are common in almost every yoga class:

  • Asana: This term literally translates as “seat.” When your yoga teacher uses this term, it refers to physical poses or postures.
  • Chakra: “Chakra” means “wheel,” and refers to how energy is centered between the top of the head and the base of the spine. There are seven chakras: the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and the root.
  • Downward-Facing Dog: Downward-facing dog, or adho mukha svanasana, is one of the most common poses in yoga. When in downward-facing dog, your body is in an inverted V shape.
  • Drishti: During a session, your teacher may use this term while the class is in a balancing pose. Drishti refers to setting your gaze on a focal point, typically straight ahead or slightly upward, to encourage open-eye meditation and maintain your composure during the posture.
  • Mudra: This term refers to hand positions. Different hand gestures aid in concentration, connection to yourself and focus. The most common mudra is Anjali, which involves pressing the palms of the hands together at the heart center.
  • Namaste: This term translates to “the light within me recognizes and bows to the light within you.” This is generally said at the end of a class, and involves aligning your hands into Anjali mudra and bowing your head.
  • Prana: Prana means “life energy” or “life force.”
  • Shanti: This means “peace,” and is commonly chanted several times during a yoga class.
  • Yoga: Even though you might be interested in the practice of yoga, you may not be familiar with what the term actually means. Yoga is an ancient fitness practice and comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, meaning “to yoke” or “to bind.”

Yoga Etiquette

As you begin practicing yoga, there are several factors you want to keep in mind:

  • Find out whether your studio provides mats or if you need to bring your own.
  • Wear form-fitting, comfortable clothing.
  • Always arrive a few minutes early so you can find a comfortable spot.
  • If you are attending your first class, inform your teacher that you are a beginner so that he or she can provide helpful tips and guidance.
  • Remember to practice good breathing techniques.
  • Put your phone on silent so it does not disturb other participants in the class.
  • Sanitize any equipment you have used during the class.
  • Practice poses at home to prepare for your class.

Yoga is a great practice in order to become physically and mentally fit. Keep all of these terms and etiquette tips in mind as you begin this new journey. Namaste.